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Green Aventurine Stones 3.5cm - 4.5 cm


Known as the “Money Magnet” that’s Green Aventurine - carry this stone to  attract money and keep the money flowing. This stone attracts abundance, promotes success and good luck.


Aventurine is a stone of prosperity.  It reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness.  Promotes compassion and empathy.  Encourages perseverance.  Aventurine relieves stammers and severe neuroses.  It stabilizes one’s state of mind, stimulates perception and enhances creativity.  Aids in seeing alternatives and possibilities.  Calms anger and irritation.  Promotes feelings of well-being.  Aventurine balances male-female energy.  It encourages regeneration of the heart.  Protects against environmental pollution.


Aventurine benefits the thymus gland and nervous system.  It balances blood pressure and stimulates the metabolism, lowering cholesterol.  Aventurine has an anti-inflammatory effect and eases skin eruptions, allergies, migraines, and soothes the eyes.  It heals lungs, sinuses, heart, muscular and urogenital systems.


Physically: Green Aventurine is an all-around healing stone with benefits for the lungs, liver, sinuses, and heart. Use Green Aventurine to loosen and release negativity and energy blockages, including disease. Some wear or carry Green Aventurine to increase intelligence, perception and creativity. Some even use Green Aventurine to improve their eyesight!


Green Aventurine has a particularly soothing energy behind it and is recommended for working through unresolved emotional issues. You can also use Green Aventurine for gridding a home or workspace. Green Aventurine is commonly known as a “stone of personal growth”, and offers opportunities for learning about oneself and one's place in the universe.


Green Aventurine is a great piece to use when working with the Heart Chakra and/or the Water Elements. Green Aventurine is known as the good luck stone and is often used in rituals with green candles, or kept in cash boxes or drawers to attract money.

Zodiac Affinity

Although both Aries and Leo have their own birthstones – Aventurine is one of the stones they have affinity with.

Violet Moon

Disclaimer: Please note all the information contained above is for information purposes only. It is not recommended as a means of diagnosing or treating any illness, all matters concerning physical and mental health should be supervised by a health practitioner knowledgeable in treating that particular condition.



Green Aventurine "Money Magnet" Large Tumblestone 2.5cm - 4.5cm

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